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How To Promote Your Accommodation Business On Social Media


In recent years, social media has gone from a new idea to an absolute must for all accommodation owners. Of all the media marketing platforms, social is the most interactive and if done correctly has the potential to dramatically increase direct bookings.

“At Web Design For Accommodation, we focus strongly on direct bookings as we want you to lose as little as possible to third parties. We encourage our clients to engage in active social media campaigns and build contact lists of both prospective guests and past guests”

Steve Baylis
Director At Web Design For Accommodation

Getting started with social media marketing can be intimidating, so we have put together a weekly guide to help you get started.


Setting Your Profiles

This may seem like a no brainer but even if you have already set-up your profiles you may be surprised at what you might be missing out on.

“Follow Us”: Converting Site Visitors To Social Followers

Not everyone visiting your website is ready to become a guest. Don’t lose the opportunity to convert them to a booking further down the line. In this section, you will learn how to encourage them to follow you on social media. 

What To post

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed trying to keep up with what to post, you’re not alone. In this section, you will learn what type of content to post and how often to post it.

Increasing Your Followers

Increasing your followers should always be at the forefront of your social media strategy. In this section, we look at some effective methods that will help increase your numbers.

Terms & Conditions Checklist

Holiday Let & B&B Terms & Conditions Checklist:

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